Wednesday 11 July 2012


Hello Malaysia,

The reason why I'm writing this blog not saying I'm pro government or pro opposition. The reason im writing this to show all of you what media been saying about Bersih. My job is to sum up all media report and my own investigation. By doing this let see what Bersih is all about and you can decide which one is true and which one is not.

Bersih basically is a demonstration led by Dato' Ambiga Sreenevasan. Bersih demand are : - 
  • Clean the electoral roll
  • Reform postal ballot
  • Use of indelible ink
  • Minimum 21 days campaign period
  • Free and fair access to media
  • Strengthen public institutions
  • Stop corruption
  • Stop dirty Politics 
 The Bersih 3.0 Campaign- an additional 3 demands

1.       The Election Commission must resign, as it has failed in its responsibility and has lost the confidence of the public.
2.       The electoral process must be cleaned before the 13th General Elections.
3.       Invite international observers to observe the 13th General Elections.
Well from YouTube or many media channel we can see so many demonstration turn out to be a riot? Who start it all first? Police or the demonstrator themselves. 

Bersih 2.0 

On July 2011 Bersih 2.0 are first huge rally organised by NGOs in Malaysia. Even warning from authorities, roadblocks and negative report doesn't stop thousand from all over Malaysia to show up in security tight Kuala Lumpur.  Demonstration turn out to be a riot and police brutality become immerse. Is it police fault? yes i do admit some of the police action is way beyond their jurisdiction until one death reported during this rally. 

I do admit police shouldn't force violence towards demonstrator as we seen on video @YouTube but looking back from other country perspective. Our country have a better police than any other country. Police in other country condemn illegal rally. they will beat you up until you are so weak to run away from them. FYI , Bersih rally consider Illegal by law? do you think police doesn't have any right to take action against thousand of people to protect millions living in KL? Think about it?. Why rally must be in the middle of the city? why not open field area? many rakyat's lost their business during this rally?

Well, on the same day UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin also create a rally of his own which call "the patriot"

This rally basically condemn BERSIH 2.0 and it's also illegal rally something that UMNO youth chief shouldn't do. but at the end of the day both Khairy and Ambiga got arrested and the demo to cool down .Rakyat's continue with their daily life.

Bersih 3.0

I monitor bersih 3.0 closely as I'm expected its going to HUGE. More people join this rally because of success during Bersih 2.0. I remember driving around Masjid Jamek area a day before rally started where thousand of people already start gathering and cause traffic mayhem.

Bersih 3.0 should be a "sit down protest"  and police are well prepared based on Bersih 2.0 experience they are more alert and cautious before take any action. they allow rally to go on as Human Rights policy as long they don't cause any threat to public.


"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"

This sit down protest turn out to be riot again as the protestor break police barricade of boundaries and force police to take action. Bersih 3.0 is an example violence shown by both police and protestor. In this blog I will show some of the sample videos taken during Bersih 3.0

 As you can see police take action after the protester broke the barricade.
this another video that Bersih that should be an NGOs rally become and opposition playing toys. Leader from Opposition instruct protestor to break police barricade. Bersih 3.0 should be a sit down protest not walk and cause chaos.
Police brutally beaten up and his car heavily vandalised during Bersih 3.0 Rally by protestor.

There are many videos can be found out from youtube Bersih 3.0 and you can foin out the truth what going during this rally.

To sum up :-

Bersih 2.0 : Bersih Organisation Won

Bersih 3.0: Government Won.

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